Collaborate Collaborate Collaborate!
Yesterday was Postvention Alliance’s first public outing with other suicide prevention stakeholders in Mesa County, Colorado. It was hard to decide which tables we would sit at, as all of our board members and advisers also work with other stakeholder advocacy organizations. Mesa County put on a very informative event about their work with the Colorado National Collaborative, which gave us all good direction for future planning and collaborative efforts. We were given a chance to highlight the upcoming men’s resilience strategies event - a collaborative effort between Postvention Alliance, St. Mary’s Hospital Suicide Prevention Office, Colorado State Suicide Prevention Office, Grand Junction Veteran’s Administration, Men’s Work, HopeWest Hospice, Heartbeat of Grand Junction, Christine Holmfelt MSW, Dr. Jeffrey Turre, Moving Beyond Services, NAMI Western Slope, Cabela’s, RAW Canvas, and Andy’s Barber Shop. This morning’s presentation was a truly enlightening experience.